The London Trade Delegation event, organized by the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry in order to improve the export network and potential of our country, was held in London between 08 June and 11 June 2022.
Gigabyte Ltd, one of the leading IT companies in Cyprus, met with potential business partners at the London Trade Delegation. Bringing Softwaremen Suite software and Datumcenter data hosting services to potential business partners in the UK, Gigabyte Ltd. aims to take mutual meetings and business development visits to the next level
In the event, which aims to pave the way for the exports of Northern Cyprus, the features of the multilingual and functional program, from stock tracking to current tracking, from finance tracking to barcode, production, accounting and personnel tracking, Softwaremen Suite, which is used as the leading back office program in our island. Softwaremen Suit was also introduced across the UK.
Introducing the Datumcenter data hosting center at the event, Gigabyte Ltd gave the message that it is preparing to open a branch in the UK and that it will continue to be in global fields with similar organizations.
Emphasizing the importance of exports, Gigabyte Ltd officials emphasized that the country can only develop through production and export.